Editorial Board
To who can we turn today when seeking news, both coherent and free, on what is happengin in today’s society, not only from the perspective of what interests mainstream media outlets, but also and especially from the perspective of what interests those who work, the exploited and oppressed? To who can we turn when seeking not only to get informed, but also to act; not only to “interpret” the world, but, even more so, as Marx said, to transform it? Because the response to such questions is so difficult to find in the France of today, we believe it necessary to launch the project of a daily socialist news and opinion site capable of taking up this challenge. Starting on June 9th, revolutionpermanente.fr will be devoted to that very task.
A Daily Leftist Point of View
Permanent Revolution is a daily news and opinion site updated from Tuesday to Saturday. Contrary to mainstream media outlets who claim, whatever their political sensibility, to be “fair and balanced”, who turn facts and ideas into pure commodities and constantly vehicule dominant ideology, Permanent Revolution fully assumes its leftist point of view, the workers’ point of view, on the vents of international and national politics.
The Goal of A Vast Network of Collaborators
Partly inspired by La Izquierda Diario, a Latin-American network of daily online newspapers, Permanent Revolution collaborates with this network’s editors in order to inform the French-speaking reader daily about politics and the class struggle internationally.
But Permanent Revolution also wishes to give voice to those from who we never hear, those that capitalist society currently exploits, oppresses and seeks to invisibilize, so as to made their voice heard. As such, its pages will be open to all those who wish to contribute to them by becoming a correspondant or sending eye-witness accounts of the day-to-day struggles or working and living conditions of those who truly make the world turn.
A Political Tool
Permanent Revolution is part of a broader project that aims to revitalize revolutionary Marxist ideas by proving that their vocation is not to stay confined to libraries, basements or museums, but, on the contrary, that they are completely relevant for understanding the world in which we live and for educating new generations of activists ready to change it!
On June 9th, www.ccr4.org will therefore give way to www.revolutionpermanente.fr for a new phase in the ideological and political battle that we have fought since our foundation in 2011. In the meantime, you can already like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. |