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La Izquierda Diario
20 de junio de 2015 Twitter Faceboock

EndAusterityNow: thousands march against cuts in London
Alejandra Ríos | Londres | @ally_jericho

The streets of London were filled with protesters calling for an end to the government’s austerity cuts.

Link: https://www.laizquierdadiario.com/EndAusterityNow-thousands-march-against-cuts-in-London

Photo: Left Voice / La Izquierda Diario

This is the first major public protest since Conservative prime minister David Cameron was re-elected in May.

Opposition politicians, public sector workers, teachers, railway workers, sixth forma and university students, and celebrities, including singer Charlotte Church and comedian Russell Brand, were among the crowds marching through the capital’s financial district.

The End Austerity Now demonstration —according to the organisers the biggest in years— finished outside the Houses of Parliament, while a similar march took place in Glasgow. The organisers have claimed up to 250,000 people took part. The tail of the demonstration didn’t reach Parliament Square until 4.30pm, 2 hours later than the front.

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